- I will provide a photo/video session experience with teen girl clients designed to elevate their self esteem, make them feel beautiful and empowered.
- Any photos and videos I (or my studio) create portraying teen girls will be done without over-sexualizing the subject. Photos and videos will be created tastefully, preserving the “innocence” of youth, yet at the same time striving to reveal the true personalities of our subjects.
- Each year I (or my studio) will donate whatever time I can afford towards a Teen Identity approved organization or project designed to raise self-esteem in teen girls, empower teen girls, or address some issue of social injustice facing teen girls. This may include, but is not limited to, pro bono photo sessions for teen girls in economically depressed neighborhoods; teaching photography and/or video workshops on behalf of Teen Identity; acting as a photography/video coach for teen girls in my local neighborhood.
October 18, 2010
September 20, 2010
Forever Jung Jewelry
September 14, 2010
Riddle Family

July 16, 2010
Slide Shows
Senior Slide Show
Wedding Slide Show
May 29, 2010
In Honor of Those Whom Have Gone Before Us

April 16, 2010
I don’t know about you but Butterflies are my favorite insects. They remind me of fairies and I was always a big fan of them as well.
I was lucky enough to be able to go to “Frederik Meijer Gardens ” located in Grand Rapids , Michigan , with one of my best friends recently. Now any time of year is a great time to go to “Frederik Meijer Gardens ,” because there is always something going on there. One of their special events they have every year is a butterfly display of exotic butterflies from all around the world. And that was the main reason why my friend and I went.
I was expecting something great, but when we walked into the green house to see hundreds of butterflies floating around, I was taken back. There is no way to describe how amazing and breath taking it was to see everything contained in that room. It was easy to spend hours in there and we did. I hope if you have never been to see the exhibit that someday you will go, because there is no way to describe it to you that you could possibly feel what I did. Some times you just have to go and see for yourself and let the beauty of God’s creation stare you in the face.
And one of the many cool things about the exhibit is you don’t have to be lucky to have one land on you, it is quite common. I even had one that liked my camera very much.
Enjoy your Spring everyone, I know I am!!
Picture taken by: Tim Ulman
To see more pictures visit us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/album.php?aid=218529&id=149661450766&ref=mf
January 29, 2010
Senior Banquets

The next year I found out through another one of my friends that they needed help with the Senior Banquet. I really wanted to help but unfortunately I was going to be in Colorado during the time the Senior Banquet was taking place. So I told my friend I would help in any way I could before hand and to just let me know. When she started going through the list of things that needed to be done, one struck me and I knew I had to do it. They needed the placemats made. Despite the interesting way I ended up doing the placemats the year before I had really enjoyed it. The theme for this year was completely different, it was The Red Carpet. It needed to be sleek and have all of the Seniors in at least one picture. Thinking that that would be no problem I took up the task. I soon found out that only two Seniors had turned in pictures on a CD, so I tried to find pictures of all the Seniors without having too many of the two that turned pictures in. You can probably tell the two that turned in pictures though.
And I’ll probably be doing this for at least a few more years to come. Though volunteering can be hard work it’s never not interesting, and that’s what I love.
Don't forget you can check us out on Facebook too.
January 14, 2010
Josh 2010

Now I’ve done his family’s pictures before so I knew he was very easy to coach into the position I was looking for. But I have to say he still surprised me anyway. He explained to me that he had done his research and knew what he liked and what he wanted, so all I had to do was point out a good background and he would snap into the perfect pose, making each one look perfectly natural. Never have I had someone so easy to photograph. Way to go JD!
To see more pictures go to: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=192352&id=149661450766&saved
I had the honor of doing Samara’s pictures a few months ago. And if you’re wondering what took me so long to get them up, well her Father brought her to get her pictures taken as a surprise for his wife’s Christmas gift, so I had to wait till after Christmas to put them up. But isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever heard?
Samara was very well behaved throughout the photo shoot. At that point in time she was about 3 months old and unable to hold herself up and didn’t like being on her tummy so we did all of the shots of her on her back, other then the one we did of her and Daddy. I also got to do one of my favorite things a chalk drawing of one of her pictures. Now what else can I say, other then she is completely adorable and I had so much fun!
To see more pictures visit us @ http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=192348&id=149661450766&saved