Senior Dos and Don’ts Info

Clothing Dos

~ Patterns, Stripes, Florals, Plaids, (The things most other places say you can’t.)
~ Any Dress, Prom or any other Poofy, Puffy, or fun dress you want to get your picture taken in.
~ Bright Primary Solids Like; NEONS!
~ Everyday Stuff, Jeans and or Hoodies,
~ Hats, Shoes, Bags, Jewelry, Sunglasses, Belts, Sandals, Coats and Jackets, Instruments, Sports Equipment, Umbrellas,  Bicycles, Vintage Cars, Hoola Hoops, Roller Skates, Etc...

Clothing Don’t
~ Short Sleeves & Short Skirts (Neither are too flattering.)

Hair Do
~ Wash it, and Style it, (like you normally do.)

Hair Don’t
~ Get Crazy and Experiment. (This is not the time to chop it and dye it pink. Be yourself.)

More On Hair
~ The #1 hair question we get is "Can I do curly and straight?"  The answer is; You Sure Can!!

OPTION 1:    We will start with the one that takes you the longest, have that ready when we get to your Session.  Then we will take a 15 minute break and change it up for the second half of your session.  This usually means one hair-do indoor and one outdoor.

OPTION 2:    We will schedule two Sessions.  Both will be full blown Sessions.  We can do this on the same day or two separate days.  This option will require two Session fees, one for each Session.

Makeup Do
~ Wear makeup.*

Makeup Don’t
~ Wear more than you ever have or ever will.

*We suggest foundation, lip gloss or light colored lipstick not too dark, mascara and a little pink on the cheeks.  Less if often times more to your advantage. Again, be yourself.

In other words be yourself, not a version of you that no one will recognize.