January 14, 2010

Josh 2010

Josh asked if we could do his senior picture in January because he wanted his pictures out in the snow. Which kind of intrigued me because I had never taken or seen anyone’s Senior Pictures done out in the snow. But shortly before I showed up to take his Senior Pictures I started envisioning bad things like he was going to have a coat he absolutely wouldn’t want his pictures taken in or that he would have to take his coat off real quick as we snapped a few shots. But to my delight when I arrived he had a very stylish coat, and had coordinated everything to go with it.

Now I’ve done his family’s pictures before so I knew he was very easy to coach into the position I was looking for. But I have to say he still surprised me anyway. He explained to me that he had done his research and knew what he liked and what he wanted, so all I had to do was point out a good background and he would snap into the perfect pose, making each one look perfectly natural. Never have I had someone so easy to photograph. Way to go JD!

To see more pictures go to: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=192352&id=149661450766&saved

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