January 29, 2010

Senior Banquets

One fateful day a couple years back a friend of mine called me up and informed me that she had been put in charge of creating a placemat for our churches Senior Banquet, celebrating their graduation. Not knowing what to say I congratulated her on being chosen, and she swiftly informed me that they had picked her because she said that I would make it. And that it had to be done that week, so she was coming over with pictures and a ruff sketch. When she arrived she gave me all the information I would need to know to make the placemat, like the size, the theme of the night and all the pictures and names of the Seniors. Monopoly was the theme so after spending a few hours trying to make a Monopoly board in Photoshop with the dimensions of the placemat, I finally decided to do what I should have done in the first place. Go and take a picture of one of the Monopoly boards that I own. Making it much easier for me, since now all I had to do was change the names of some of the squares to fit with the local hang-out spots, add the pictures, and type in all the names. After a few drafts being sent back and forth with the big man in charge, they finally decided on the one I’m displaying here.

The next year I found out through another one of my friends that they needed help with the Senior Banquet. I really wanted to help but unfortunately I was going to be in Colorado during the time the Senior Banquet was taking place. So I told my friend I would help in any way I could before hand and to just let me know. When she started going through the list of things that needed to be done, one struck me and I knew I had to do it. They needed the placemats made. Despite the interesting way I ended up doing the placemats the year before I had really enjoyed it. The theme for this year was completely different, it was The Red Carpet. It needed to be sleek and have all of the Seniors in at least one picture. Thinking that that would be no problem I took up the task. I soon found out that only two Seniors had turned in pictures on a CD, so I tried to find pictures of all the Seniors without having too many of the two that turned pictures in. You can probably tell the two that turned in pictures though.

And I’ll probably be doing this for at least a few more years to come. Though volunteering can be hard work it’s never not interesting, and that’s what I love.

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