May 29, 2010

In Honor of Those Whom Have Gone Before Us

I got the great honor today to be able to go and put flags by the graves of many brave men and women at Fort Custer National Cemetery, with about four-hundred or so other soles. When I first arrived it looked blank and like there was no one buried there, because all the stones are laying flat on the ground. After only a few minutes I could clearly see that my first impression was far from right, being able to slowly see the flags accumulate.
            About an hour and a half after we started we were finished every grave accounted for with a flag boldly waving in the wind. And as I walked by each section on my way back to the car, it was almost a haunting feeling. I was able to share that experience with a member of the US Army, and friend of mine. As he walked by each section he observed the men and women whom had gone before him, those whom had been just as willing to die for the freedom of this country and its people.
And as I walked beside him I couldn’t help but think how thankful I was that he was willing to fight for me, my freedom, and my family. So I wish to thank all of the brave men and women from all walks of life that decided to listen to the call and fight for us, because they don’t get thanked nearly enough.
And I’d like to encourage each and every one of you who read this Blog post to thank some one for all they do, and have done for you.

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