This is a Wedding I helped with last year.
The Wedding went like most, almost everything fell into place and others needed a little coxing, but everything turned out perfect. Lauren and Adam, chose to see each other before the Wedding, which is a new tradition I like a lot. I had spent time with both of them prior to them seeing each other and they were both a bundle of nerves, that were quickly released as soon as they saw each other. After they spent some time alone we went on to take all the group pictures, so they’d be done before the Wedding. The Yarrow Golf Course was the perfect back drop not only for the formal pictures but for the Wedding as well.
Lauren surprised many of the family when they discovered that her something blue were, Blue Converse, but others like her father were not surprised because that was what she always wore to all her proms and formal events growing up.
At the reception Adam’s two Best Men, gave two entirely different kinds of speeches. Adam’s brother went first with a touching and deep speech he had written on a napkin a few hours before, and his best friend finished it up with a light hearted speech he had been planning since his Wedding, two months and three days prior.
I must thank both Lauren and Adam for letting me be a part of there special day, and also Rose for letting me help her take the pictures.

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