November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Yes, Thanksgiving, anyone who’s gone to school and listened in History class knows about how this holiday started. But yet we forget or we don’t understand, what truly was going on. You see “Thanksgiving” means “overflowing with gratitude to the point that you have to give thanks.” And they had so much gratitude that they set aside an entire day to celebrate and express it. They had made it so far and they were hopeful and joyous about what was to come even though they knew it would be a tough road ahead.
Now fast-forward almost four-hundred years and Thanksgiving is nothing more then a day to get together with family, if that in some homes. I’m not saying a family focus is bad, in fact I believe that family should be very high on our list of priorities all the time. The whole point of Thanksgiving is to give thanks for what you have, even when you don’t think you have a lot, and family should be one of the things your thankful for, even if you don’t think you have that great of a family. Some one once said “There is always someone worse off then you,” and it’s very true.
So my suggestion this Holiday season is to try and rethink what you do for Thanksgiving, maybe go and volunteer at a soup kitchen, or ask everyone around your table to share what they are most thankful for. Or maybe you invite someone you know doesn’t have anyone to spend the holiday with, to join you and your family. Maybe you do a couple of these ideas or all of them; perhaps you come up with your own ideas. I know I’m going to do a few of these and I’m also going to writing a thank you notes to some of the people that mean the most to me, I’m going to tell them why I’m thankful for them. Let’s make this Thanksgiving not about us, or food, but about whom it really should be about, the one who gave us everything we have, God. For He deserves all our thanks-giving.

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