Written with Light Photography is starting a new thing this year for seniors. We’re calling it “Tell Your Story.” What’s going on for the seniors who want to be a part of this is, you write out your story and we take pictures that go along with it, usually three to five pictures. Then your story and the pictures are put together into a story board that’s uniquely you.
If you’re a senior and you’d like to be a part of this here are some story examples to help you write your story.
My story is thankfully mine, I love life, and try to enjoy every minute of it. You see, I am an Artist. “What kind of Artist?” you may ask. Well that depends on when you ask me. The two prominent ones are Writing and Photography. I love writing because it’s a way for me to release my emotions. And I love photography because I wish to touch people even when I can’t be with them, and I hope my images do that. I do what I do, hoping to inspire people. And speaking of inspiration, I love it. I know everyone is inspired by different things but I am inspired by music, and photography. I love music that takes me other places and makes me want to dance. Yes, I love to dance as well. And if you ever see me when music moves me I am somewhat sorry, for I do not dance well, but I do enjoy it. I love Photography because I love feeling emotions rush through me as I look at a picture. And I love it even more when I am inspired to write the Photographer and thank him or her for the experience. So if you can’t tell I am somewhat of a hopeless romantic and that which has hold of my heart is a passionate love of life and the God that gave it to me.
~ Amanda
Hi, my name is Amanda. I love all kinds of art. In fact it is very hard for me to choose a favorite. I love Music because that’s how I relax. I love Photography because it inspires me. I love Dance because it makes me wish I could join them. I love Drawings and Paintings, because it gives me something to marvel at. I love Movies because they often involve another art I love, Costume Designing. And I love The Written Word because it so often is able to express how I feel better then I can.
I have a passion for music, not a day goes by that I don’t listen, sing or hum something. I don’t think there is anyone who’s met me that doesn’t know I love Photography, since I usually have a camera around my neck and if I don’t I’m usually talking about Photography in one form or another. I don’t play Sports or an Instrument any more. But I’m okay with that. I work with the Youth Group at my Church as a Small Group Leader. And let me say if you ever have extra energy to burn and want to learn a lot in a short amount of time Volunteer for a year to work with Middle Schoolers. You will be shocked.
~ Amanda
Things to Include in Your Story
Sports/Instruments you play
What inspires you
And anything else that makes you, you.
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